Friday, September 13, 2013


  1. This was my idea for our concept map. I have to work all weekend and am unable to wait until the last minute. Please let me know your opinion and what changes you feel should be made.

  2. I'm sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I'm new to this online class business and have been pre-occupied with trying to get settled in with all my other classes as well. I will try to check more frequently during the week from now on. I think that is a great start to a concept map. I'm thinking there could be more main topics off of gardening, and we could possibly combine butterfly, and vegetable garden into types of gardening, and maybe there are more types we could come up with? I know you said you will be working so I will do some work with what you've started and post another version later today.

  3. I guess I was focusing on types of gardens that could be grown in a school setting. My children's old school had a nice flower and vegetable garden in the back. The vegetables were sold and used in the lunchroom.
    I understand getting used to this online thing. I have never blogged before! This is all new to me. I have had an online class before, but it was nothing like this. I do work every weekend and would like to try and get things done as much as possible during the week so I don't have to worry about it. I look forward to seeing your version.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So looking at the example she gave of a concept map, I think we need to narrow our topic down more rather than just using 'gardening.' I think I got most of everything you had on yours. I left out a couple of things, like under tools, and terms, I figured there are probably a ton more we could come up with, so I didn't want to limit it to just what was listed. We have to continue to edit it throughout the semester so I figured as we did more research we could add terms, and narrow our topics more. Let me know what you think. I can change it with your suggestions. Completely unrelated but do you know if we have a third group member, or are we down to the two of us now?

  6. You need to choose a type of garden and that should be your focus all semester. Then you need to decide what the big project at the end will be ..... if it is going to be a vegetable garden , are you going to sell the vegetables ... maybe at the Farmers' Market or to a restaurant? Are you going to use the vegetables to make a vegetable stew and invite friends, family and community members? If it is going to be a flower garden, are you going to sell the flowers? Take them to residents of a senior citizens home? You need to be very clear on your big project and that should be in the center of your concept map.
